There is a gathering a-coming of the tiny houses August 7-9th in Colorado Springs called Tiny House Jamboree. Builders, designers, suppliers, tiny “housers” and TH enthusiasts will convene for a three-day celebration. I will be part of that celebration. This feels like a Tiny House Woodstock and yes, I remember Woodstock even if I wasn’t there, it is a part of my history.
Preparations for the Jamboree have been on-going for weeks. But, the “where to put the trash can” has been a nagging issue. The trash problem butted heads with the dead-space problem where the counter tops come together. In the middle of the night I came up with this brilliant idea to take an unused, small Ikea trash can, cut a hole in my counter top and insert the trash can into the hole…solving both dead space and trash can problems. If this had gone bad, that hole in the counter top was gonna be a biggy!! But, it went well, see photo.
Since the Jamboree free camping area is off-grid (no facilities) I needed to get the generator and propane tank attached to the tongue of the trailer. My friend, Randy, who is a professional blacksmith, was the perfect person for the job. First, he bolted the generator to the frame. But, his simple, clean, functional design for the propane bottle is something that should be patented! He built a metal girdle with a shaft to hold the tank and weld it to the frame. I have a T regulator so I hook-up to the tank and the generator and I can run my electricity and propane without having to drag the tanks and generator out of the back of the truck. Really nice set-up.
The Journey:
There were some last minute problems with the Dodge, but with the help of a fantastic mechanic, Jeremy, the clutch was fixed and the journey began.
Wednesday, August 5th, the longest trip in the tiny house began. I stopped to have lunch with Mom and then the long trek north to Amarillo. As the sun began to set, the wind turbines were scattered across the horizon. This had been a long but productive day.
Thursday is Colorado Springs or Bust!