

England, Europe

Where Did You Get That Hat

Yesterday the Suzy Guides Team (Ian P. Hardy, Annie Coburn and David Ingham) headed over to the Mall (near Buckingham Palace) to launch their musical careers. Annie’s singing career is doomed, I’m afraid! The team hopes you enjoy our fun.

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England, Europe

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships-2010

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championship excitement begins the last week of June through the first week of July. If you want tickets, you need to plan ahead. For the 2011 Championships, obtain an application form, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope between…

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England, Europe

More London

This 13 acre complex, known as More London, houses City Hall, The Scoop (an amphitheater), office buildings, restaurants and an open air pedestrian area with fountains. More London is located in Southwark, adjacent to Tower Bridge and on the South…

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Europe, France

A Taste of Paris

Good Morning, Gad Abouts.  Got that cup of coffee? Great!  Remember…every Sunday is a new post on Gad About Gals. This is Movie Sunday.  It’s too early for popcorn, but a hot bagel with cream cheese will subsitute beautifully. While…

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