Key West means playing in the water: parasailing, snorkeling, and jet skiing. Fury is pro at providing visitors a variety of professional services. Booking on-line is quick and easy: https://www.furycat.com/
Select the level of activity you prefer from a play-day marathon called Ultimate Adventure to Glass Bottom Boat trips.
Ultimate Adventure:
Bruce and I arrived at the kiosk at 9:00, one hour before cast-off. Processing is quick and easy. At the kiosk, a person makes sure you’ve arrived at the right time and day. Then, it’s off to another group to get your armband and sign-off on your waiver. Different boats docked at various piers await the boarding of the participants.
When you board the boat, a welcome photo is taken. Then, a breakfast spread is offered consisting of fruit, juice, breakfast tacos, and sweet rolls. Eat all you want.
Our boat had approximately one-hundred people. We were divided into groups to facilitate everyone participating in the activities in parallel. Our first activity was jet skiing.
Jet Skiing:
The jet skis were new and well-maintained. Everyone rode double. The equipment was docked on a floating dock attached to the twin hull motor sail boat. First, the group was given a quick 101 of jet skiing. Then each couple climbed aboard one of the seven jet skis. We were a courteous group and didn’t impede upon each other. Bryan, our safety guy, was out there to help us in case of problems or infringement on the safety of others. After about twenty minutes, it was time to bring the jet skis back to the dock. Speeding around on the water was a fun time for all.
A special parasail equipped boat picked up twelve eager adventurers. The three-man crew prepared the parachute and got us into the harnesses. Then, the parachute was filled, we were in a seated position on the back of the boat, and zip, up we went. Our captain gave us a quick dip in the water and then, higher and higher we went. About 100 feet up the world is quiet. People in the boat wave and you take a deep breath. Gradually, we come down to earth, landed on the boat and un-hooked. It’s a great ride.
Bruce ad I had our snorkel equipment, but that is not a requirement. Fury provides everyone with mask, snorkel, fins and an inflatable vest. Unfortunately, the weather has been rainy the last few days so the water was murky and the fish were hiding out somewhere else. We swam around observing the coral and looking for interesting underwater life as best we could; then, gave it up and returned to the boat.
Fury has a free open bar for the trip back to dock, serving beer and wine. The Ultimate Adventure puts all of us through our paces and we were exhausted from fun in the sun.
Come play in Key West.
About the Author:
In 2010, Annie Coburn created Fab Placez. In 2014, she changed the name of her website to FAB Senior Travel to better define her target audience, mature travelers. She publishes travel articles from other writers, as well as her own, in order to provide diversity of locations to match the breadth of interest of FAB’s subscribers.
Website: http:// www.fabseniortravel.com