The 27th Contemporary Hispanic Market took place on July 27th and 28th. The market has expanded since the first time I attended back in the late 1990’s. Now the streets leading into the Plaza are lined with white tents and artists displaying their art.

Contemporary Hispanic Market in Santa Fe

The purpose of the Contemporary Hispanic Market is to showcase the art and artists of New Mexico. Each year the crowds grow larger and the white tents more prevalent. All of this is a good thing.

This year I interviewed three artists about their inspiration, how they selected the type of art they do and about the art itself.

Fab Placez wishes to thank the three artists for their interviews:

  • Keith J. Garcia does sculptures and vases in metal.
  • Ralph Roybal does bronze with a Native American theme.
  • Ruben Jimenez Acuna does bronze with a spiritual theme.

View the video above for contact information and to see a sample of their work.