San Francisco

San Francisco is a favorite visitor destination. Of course, seeing all of San Francisco in 3-days is impossible. But, Fab Placez has tried to select a variety of points-of-interest for you to enjoy.

The giant redwoods of Muir Woods will humble you with their magnificence. Romantic Sausalito will make you smile. The thought of the great seafood at The Franciscan Crab Restaurant will make your stomach growl.

Your adrenaline will surge as you hang off the cable cars or play the antique arcade games at Musee Mecanique. Take a nostalgic retro visit to the Summer of Love in HaightAshbury. Fast forward in a matter of blocks to Golden Gate Park where you’ll discover two of San Francisco’s most respected museums: deYoung Museum and California Academy of Sciences. When the weekend comes to a close, you will take sweet memories San Francisco with you.

Welcome to San FranciscoSausalitoBlue and Gold FleetFranciscan Crab RestaurantCoit TowerFerry Plaza Farmers MarketKnob Hill Tour by San Francsico City GuidesMusee Mecaniquede Young MuseumHaightAshburyCalifornia Academy of Science
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Welcome to San Francisco


Time Venue
8:30-Noon Muir Woods
Noon-1:30 Venice Gourmet Delicatessen
1:30-2:30 Ferry Ride across the bay
3:00-4:30 Franciscan Restaurant
4:30-6:00 Coit Tower
Evening Beach Blanket Babylon

Muir Woods

By using San Francisco Sightseeing Tours, you can easily and safely arrive at Muir Woods. Disembark from the bus and become immersed in the giant redwood forest. Take your time exploring the vegetation via the easy to navigate pathways. Tour bus picks you up at Pier 43-1/2.


Sausalito is a romantic, slightly Bohemian community where eating and shopping compete for priority #1. The main street, Bridgeway, is filled with small boutique shops interrupted with a quaint cafe. Create your sandwich at Vinice Gourmet Deli (625 Bridgeway) and top it off with a special flavored ice cream at Lappert's (689 Bridgeway).

Blue and Gold Fleet

Catch the Blue and Gold ferry boat from Sausalito to pier 43-1/2. Wind, sun and water are a magical combination. When you depart, you'll be ready to enjoy some great seafood at the Franciscan Crab Restaurant.

Franciscan Crab Restaurant

Craig Woods, Franciscan Crab Restaurant General Manager, tells the secrets of this delicious restaurant located at Pier 43-1/2. Fresh seafood including the famous Dungeness Crab. Everyone talks about the panoramic view from any table. Snuggle into a booth, order a crab feast and watch the ever changing scene on the Bay. The waitstaff are friendly. Your satisfaction is their main focus.

Coit Tower

Coit Tower sits 210 ft. atop Telegraph Hill. When Lillie Hitchcock was a young girl, a firefighter saved her from a burning building. From that time forward, Lillie had a love affair with the fire department. Upon her death in 1929, she bequeathed one-third of her fortune to beautify her beloved San Francisco. The city decided to build Coit Tower in honor of the fire department and to beautify San Francisco. The Public Works of Art Project were responsible for commissioning the murals inside the tower. The murals depict the everyday life of California...the agriculture and the political sentiment of the time.

Beach Blanket Babylon

Longest running musical revue. A must see spoof on pop culture. Tickets available at


Time Venue

Cable Car ride + coffee atBuena Vista Café

10:00 – Noon Ferry Building Farmer’s Market
Noon–1:30    Out the Door RestaurantLocated inside the Ferry Building
1:30-4:00 Chinatown Tour
7:00-8:30 Café Divine
8:30-10:00 Musee Mecanique

Ferry Plaza Farmers Market

Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, located on Embarcadero Drive, includes quality regional products such as fresh fruits, eggs, honey and prepared foods. Open three days/week: Tuesdays (10am-2pm) Thursdays (10am-2pm) and Saturdays (8am-2pm). Tents line the front of the Ferry Building where vendors display their wares. Prepared foods are also available as well as restaurants and cafes inside the Ferry Building.

Knob Hill Tour by San Francsico City Guides

Ken Becker, tour guide for SF City Guides, relates his expansive information about Nob Hill. The tour begins at Meet at the front entrance to the Stanford Court Hotel on California Street between Powell and Mason. Mr. Becker gives participants an introduction to the stops and history along the way which include The Big Four, Silver Kings, SF's only Brownstone and its exclusive club, and Grace Cathedral. Go to for schedule information and other tours offered by SF City Guides.

Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory

A fun place to watch fortune cookies being made. Buy a bag and get some hot off the press. From here you can wander around the area. Food stalls, people shopping...a community all itself.

Cafe Divine

Located at 1600 Stockton Street, Cafe Divine will serve up some great Italian food that any Italiano would be proud of. Hours: Daily 9am-10pm.

Musee Mecanique

How about a step back in time at the Musee Mecanique? Dan Zelinsky, owner of a warehouse filled with 250 working antique arcade machines, shares the fun of this unique museum. Entrance is free. Walk in, walk around. Find a machine that piques your interest. Drop in a quarter and feel the smile come across your face. Located at Pier 45, the museum is open from 10am-8pm or if it's busy, Dan will keep the doors open so you can enjoy these delightful games.


Time Venue
9:00-10:00 Kate’s Kitchen for breakfast. Then, walk around and gawk at all that is going on in the
10:30-Noon de Young Museum

California Academy of Science

Kate's Kitchen

Weekends are crowded at Kate'e Kitchen in Lower Haight Ashbury. Huge servings of food made from all-natural ingredients make Kate's an irresistible draw. Don't worry if you're a vegetarian or vegan because Kate's has those options covered for you. Be sure to partake of the pancakes and scrambled eggs. But, above all else...get there early.

de Young Museum

Located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, the de Young Museum of Fine Arts first opened in 1895 as a result of the California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894. Demolished by earthquakes, moved and compromised, in 2005, the de Young has finally found a permanent designed by Herzog and de Meuron of London Tate Museum fame. The exterior is clad with copper. At the top of the 144 ft. tower, visitors can behold much of the music concourse and beyond.


During the 1960s, Haight Ashbury was the center of the hippie movement, a counter-culture movement which encouraged protest, free love, and talented artists. The 1967 Summer of Love brought together some of the best rock performers, such as Jefferson Airplanes, Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and the Mamas and the Papas. Today, the movement is gone; but, the area retains a bohemian feel. Homeless people roam the street, buildings are painted psychedelic colors and restaurants still pretend to be in the 60s. It's fun to walk up and down a few streets and imagine the life changing events of the hey-days of the 60s.

California Academy of Science

Enjoy Helen Taylor, Communication Manager at the California Academy of Sciences, tell you about the three major areas of the Academy. The California Academy of Sciences is located in Golden Gate Park. It is a natural history museum consisting of three parts: Steinhart Aquarium - which is the gem of the museum from the basement through the four-story domed rainforest. Morrison Planetarium - has state of the art projector and software to produce an accurate and interactive digital universe. Kimball Natural History Museum - address two scientific issues: the evolution of life on Earth and the maintenance of life on Earth.

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